How To Be Happy Class Outline
Class One: Some common obstacles to happiness and how to overcome them
This introductory class covers some of the most common obstacles to happiness and how to overcome them.
Pleasure vs. happiness
Sadness vs. depression
Positive vs. negative motivation
Negativity bias
Importance of positive goals
Problem solving vs. goal achievement
Class Two: Practical techniques to facilitate our happiness
Class two discusses several specific techniques to facilitate our happiness.
Pattern interruption
Turning complaints into goals
Asking what and how, rather than why
Class Three: What makes us who we are?
Class three explores what makes us who we are, and how to be who we want to be.
Thinking/Feeling/Acting Exercise
Identity balance
Two problems of motivation
Problems vs. preferences
Class Four: Building optimism
Class four discusses the importance of an optimistic outlook and several specific ways to build optimism.
Hope vs. wishful thinking
Common unhelpful beliefs
Subtle ways to build hope
Class Five: Making and breaking habits
Class five covers strategies for making helpful habits and breaking unhelpful ones.
The pain that comes from trying to avoid pain
False vs. true self care
Breaking/making habits
Class Six: Managing stress, anxiety, and anger, as well as creativity
Class six includes strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and anger, as well as ways to develop our creativity.
Class Seven: Communicating effectively and devloping your sense of humor
Class seven helps us communicate more effectively, which results in better relationships, more successful careers, and happier people. It also covers development and refinement of our sense of humor as an important ingredient in happiness and a protective factor against depression.
Class Eight: Medication and the science of happiness
Class eight walks you through the decision to take (or not take) medication and the science of happiness (positive psychology).
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